ArcheOlogic (Limba Engleza)

184,00 Lei
Limba: Engleza
Nr. maxim jucatori: 4
Durata: 45 minute
Complexitate: 2.54/5
Tip: Joc de baza
BGG: ArcheOlogic
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Durata de livrare: 1-3 zile lucratoare

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Cod Produs: C35 Ai nevoie de ajutor? 0766 266 507
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ArcheOlogic is a competitive deduction game whose goal is to map a City hidden in the mountains using the Archeoscope, a sophisticated research instrument. Think carefully about the questions you are going to ask, some will make you waste more time than others, set it by turning its cogs, note the precious answers and replace, correctly and first, the Buildings on the Plan to win the part.
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