Hungry Monkey (Limba Engleza)

HeidelBÄR Games
74,00 Lei
Limba: Engleza
Nr. maxim jucatori: 6
Durata: 15 - 30 minute
Complexitate: 1.30/5
Tip: Joc de baza
BGG: Hungry Monkey
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Durata de livrare: 1-3 zile lucratoare

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Cod Produs: C523 Ai nevoie de ajutor? 0766 266 507
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Once upon a time, Hungry Monkey searched for his lost breakfast bean in the jungle. He asked the other animals for help, from Swift Sparrow to King Tiger, but they all ignored his pleas. Until Tiny Ant climbed into Tiger's ear and ordered him to help. King Tiger was scared by the voice in his ear. He commanded all animals to look for the bean, and no one dared to refuse. Eventually, Swift Sparrow found the bean, and Hungry Monkey was finally happy.

Hungry Monkey is a card game where the goal is to get rid of your hand cards and collect beans. You have animal cards both in hand and in a face-down row. You must be the first to play all your cards, first from your hand and then from your card row.

You have to play cards with the same or a higher number. You can trigger an effect with a powerful animal.

If you want to play multiple games you keep track of the scoring with Bean cards. The player with the most beans at the end of the last game wins.
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