Devir Winter (Limba Engleza)

59,00 Lei
Limba: Engleza
Nr. maxim jucatori: 2
Durata: 10 minute
Complexitate: 1.44/5
Tip: Joc de baza
BGG: Winter
In stoc

Durata de livrare: 1-3 zile lucratoare

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Cod Produs: C1054 Ai nevoie de ajutor? 0766 266 507
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In Winter, two players compete to be the player with the most chips of their color on the lake at the end of the game. The game is divided into two phases. In the first, the freezing phase, players will create the frozen lake in a contiguous form using their snowflake cards. They’ll also attempt to secure zones in which they’ve managed to group four snowflakes of their color using chips. In the second phase, the unfreezing, they’ll undo the creation by moving and retrieving their cards and chips of their color. At the end of the game, the player with the most chips on the table is declared the winner.
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