Viking See-Saw (Limba Engleza)

139,00 Lei
Limba: Engleza
Nr. maxim jucatori: 4
Durata: 10 minute
Complexitate: 1.00/5
Tip: Joc de baza
BGG: Viking See-Saw
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Durata de livrare: 1-3 zile lucratoare

Cod Produs: C1007 Ai nevoie de ajutor? 0766 266 507
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Let's load our luggage, but don't let the ship tip!

Players alternately place their luggage on the 3D ship. The deck is always on a slope where the luggage is put, so place carefully. If the ship tilts, the player has to take a ship's chest and add it their own luggage as a penalty. The ship tilts easily, so it's a race to load luggage before the ship tilts. If a player finishes placing all their luggage or the penalty chests run out, the game ends.
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